"WASH AND MENSTRUAL HYGIENE " programs conducted at factory sites. 


WASH is an acronym that stands for "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,". Access to WASH is a key public health issue in many under developed countries especially in Nepal. Several international development agencies have identified WASH as an area with great potential to improve health, life-expectancy, student learning, gender equality, and many other key issues of development.

Access to safe water, adequate sanitation, and proper hygiene education can reduce illness and death, and also impact poverty reduction and socioeconomic development.  Poor sanitation contributes to approximately 700,000 child deaths every year due to diarrhea, and chronic diarrhea can have a negative effect on child development (both physical and cognitive). In addition, lack of WASH facilities can prevent students from attending school, impose a burden on women, and diminish productivity.  

Weaving Dreams has conducted WASH in two factories so far.

Awareness of good menstrual hygiene practices is of utmost importance. Health Education regarding Menstrual Education must be included as a part of school curriculum and many NGO working hard on removing the stigma and myths that come along with menstruation in rural areas. Weavers living in large communities in the city were found to have poor menstrual hygiene practices. Most of them were unaware of the reasons for this natural process and still believed in age old myths.

Weaving Dreams Menstrual Hygiene Program’s beneficiaries include a wide age group, from adolescence girls to middle aged women to menopausal women. Our objective is teach young girls about puberty, educate women on reproductive system and maintaining healthy menstrual hygiene practices. So far our program has reached 85 women in two factories. It has been very educational and helpful to these women to be able to learn about their own bodies.
